"I look inside myself to find my peace"


Music and Song - Allow Yourself To Feel The Heal

Have you ever noticed how music or a song can lift you up? Even when you're at an uncertain time of your life music/song can reach down inside of you and help you feel better. Even if for a few moments. Its those few moments we need to hold on to that help us to come back from the emotional pain caused by something that may have gone wrong in our lives. Music/song is a healing thing, a tool. It won't solve your troubles but it can be used as a tool to help in feeling better and healing oneself. When we feel better, we are more positive and productive. We can see clearer to finding better solutions. If you're like most humans you really don't like feeling down and out. And so long as you keep your heart open to good things you can lift yourself out of a bad mood or the emotional pain by allowing yourself to feel the healing and uplifting emotion that music/song can bring us. Of course when times call for us to grieve we should always allow for that emotion to run its course. You can't change the fact that there is a lost loved one. Music/song when grieving for a loved one, can bring about happier times you shared because it allows us to remember how much our lost loved one enjoyed that certain song. Or music/song can bring about a happy memory of an experience we shared with a lost loved one. At those times, hold on to those memories and emotions. It can help us to heal.

Grieve when you must, but don't hold on to the grief. Allow it to leave you as well. This goes for anger also. Although at times, anger can be a good motivator we should never hold on to the emotion of anger either. It will harden your heart and burn a hole in your soul. However if you like music, which everyone seems to be touched by some kind or another kind of music, and you're inspired by it, you can also be healed by it. Point of interest: It has been proven that when people are allowed to listen to their favorite music while working, they are actually more productive. Even cows produce more milk when allowed to listen to music. Let yourself hear and feel that music/song. Let it help you to let go of things you may be feeling that may not be good for you to feel. These negative feelings could be what is holding you back from whatever you aspire to achieve. Just like that old saying: "..music soothes the savage beast.." it can also soothe the downsides of life. None of us are impervious to the downsides of life. No matter who you are or where you are in your life, downsides will always rear its awful head at some time or another. Life is full of tribulations. What matters is how do we deal with the throws of life. We should deal with them in a way that can be positive and add to our growing as a spiritual being?  Not religious but spiritual. There is a difference.

When things occur that are out of our control, at first, we may not want to feel or hear anything good because we are adjusting to the feelings of impact of the negative occurrance. Give yourself alittle time to get your head around what has happened to you. But don't dwell in sadness. Then once the sudden abrupt effect of whatever painful or negative experience has eased off alittle, let it go, give it to the universe, God, Buddha or whatever you conceive your higher power to be. Then open your heart and your mind and fill it with the good feelings of healing you recieve by whatever favorite music or song you enjoy. It may sound ridiculous to some people, but maybe thats because they've never tried to let the harmony one recieves from music/song to help in the healing process. Just sitting there comfortably, quiet for a few moments. Allowing the sound to flow through the air, through our minds and body.

Let your mind relax, let the hurt and anger float away from you. Ask the universe to help you recover from whatever it may be that is causing disruption in your life. It can be like that while listening to music. Or it can be a more physical experience where you dance around and sing along with your favorite song. Whichever way you choose to help yourself heal. Try it with music/song. You may be surprised to find just how healing this process can be. For those who understand and grasp what I'm trying to say here put on your favorite music/song right now and energize yourself. Allow yourself to feel the heal. It can be very helpful for us all in times of distress. Carry one of your favorite songs or music with you throughout your day. Even if you only hum it to yourself. And if you get the chance to hear it again, throughout your day, then get REenergized by listening to it. Embrace it and allow the good feelings you receive from it to uplift you. It can truly be an inspiration. Enjoy the day.

Copyright(c)2013.Music and Song - Allow Yourself To Feel The Heal.Written by Sherrie Vitello.All Rights Reserved.


Sometimes You Need To Take A Break From Your Life

I had the priviledge recently to visit my family. I'll be honest I didn't know how things were going to go because we haven't seen each other in years. Even though we've kept intouch by way of the internet. Altho' I knew my family loved me I think I was more concerned about how I felt about myself. I invisioned having a positive, happy time and thats exactly what happened. Perhaps what they say about visualizing things is true. I made a promise to myself before I left. That I would keep to a positive outlook throughtout the entire experience and stay open to any constructive criticism I may receive. You see, I was actually on a quest. A quest to find out how to go about the sudden changes that have taken place in my life. I needed to find away to heal and renew. Honestly I was fearful of what could happen if I didn't embrace these changes. The problem was, I wasn't sure how. My daughter, who is now a mother herself is one of the most spiritual wise old souls I have the honor of knowing. She will speak the truth about how she see's things even if it may seem alittle harsh, but not to be mean more like being real. I believe thats a good thing. In fact it was she who said to me: "Mom.. sometimes you need to take a break from your life!" That one sentence spoke volumes that struck a chord in my heart. I knew at that point I had to go visit my family. Because of the changes that had suddenly taken place in my life, I needed to take a break from it. I embraced everything about my trip. Getting ready to go, packing, making sure everything was secure. Taking the train ride, riding through the states. Talking to my seat partners and enjoying the conversations without making anything a negative experience. Altho' I was tired, I truly enjoyed the ride.

Being there, visiting my family I realized just how busy and full their lives are too. Here I thought I had such a busy schedule. But being in observence of how many things my daughters do everyday was amazing. It made me think of how busy I was too when I was younger and raising my girls and all the responsibilities that came with it. I was proud to see how well they've adjusted to the throws of life. Playing with my grandchildren was awesome. It was so uplifting for me to have fun with them, playing games, holding them and raising them up high, chasing them as the tickle-monster, playing hide and seek. Hearing their pure heartfelt laughter was so beautiful. It was very fulfilling and my heart was full of love and joy. Visiting and sharing in all of the activities I did with my daughters made me feel so close to them. I even got my hair styled in a French braid, which I love, by my daughter Gina. My youngest daughter, by 4 minutes, Michelle was able to visit and help with decorating of the Christmas tree, we had so much fun. Decorating the Christmas tree, helping the little ones place decorations on the tree. Lifting my grand daughter up so she could place the star at the top of the tree. That was, I felt, an honor. And in all the mist of this joyful occassion I would sometimes come back to thinking about my circumstances that bought me to visit my family in the first place. When my oldest daughter Celeste, and I were alone, just sitting on the porch enjoying the evening air. We would talk about my circumstances. I was looking for ways to feel better about things. To be able to carry on without things getting me down. My daughter, in her "real but loving wisdom" told me that the universe will open up and show me the way. Perhaps what has bought me to this time of my life is the universe in action. Making it so I have to face my demons or fears and get up, get out and do the thing I think I cannot do. Developing a home-based business over the last 5 years has caused me to become more of a homebody. But now..things are different and I have to "get back out there."

Even though I am aware of what she said, hearing it from someone who loves me solidifies what I already knew. It actually gave me wings. Because sometimes we all need to be reminded or just hear the words. As the days got closer to my going back home. I was feeling better about what I had to face even though I wasn't sure how to go about it. But I believed it would all come clear in time. Sometimes when things happen to us we feel we need to regress or hide. We don't want to be a bother to anyone. But if we open our hearts and allow the universe to open our lives we can find that there are those who are happy to help, console, guide and just have an open ear. I figured I could handle everything that life throws at me, but I found I was made whole and even stronger by allowing things to unfold the way they are meant to unfold. To embrace changes and to have faith in myself. And my faith was uplifted and restored to a higher level than I thought possible. I truly enjoyed the time I spent visiting my family, hugging them and laughing. I was so happy to be able to visit my mother and my oldest brother too. Surprised and unexpected, when I hugged my mom tears were in my eyes, but they were happy tears. It was the right time to visit and shake myself lose from, what I conceived as my safety zone in order to get myself rejuvenated and restored. The ride home felt good. I felt more secure in what I had to do and how I viewed things going on in my life. I realized while riding back on the train, that many people know exactly whats going on in the world and many people have the same feelings, fears, desires, opinions and thoughts that I have as well. So in realizing that I actually wasn't alone in my journey. That gave me a better sense of society too.

Every step that I took was meant to happen. Every person I've met along the way was meant to be. And thats how I saw it. Its funny, you know, when we feel lost or unsure we should always look for the lesson we are meant to learn. Whatever happens in our lives is another day to learn how to handle it. As long as I can go to sleep at night and think to myself that I did all I could today to be productive, to accomplish things that needed to be done, to allow myself to live life on lifes terms and make the best out of it. Then I know I'll be alright. Even when things seem uncertain when we view them as what we need to learn from the situation in order to grow as a human being, things will unfold for us so long as we allow them to do so. Keeping the belief. On to the next!

Dedicated with love to my 3 daughters, grandchildren, mother and brother.

Copyright(c)2013.SometimesYouNeedToTakeABreakFromYourLife.Written by Sherrie Vitello.All Rights Reserved.