Please God help us all to do & live by what is right, in a world that overflows with wrong. Help us to find our way back when we've gone astray in our lives. Let us walk with wisdom of knowing we all must trust our destiny which you have laid out for us, no matter how unclear it may seem.
Help us when we feel weak or affraid. Guide us when we're not sure. Teach us to be strong and to believe in ourselves. Help us to be content even as we struggle & work towards our dreams & goals. Lead us down the path we need to achieve those goals. Teach us not to be brought down by all the evil that effects our world. Help us to always love each other & help each other.
With our faith intact help us to continue to complete our mission that each one of us has in this life. No matter how down trodden we become, give us the strength to carry on. Help us to have patience to teach those who have not yet come to the understanding of how things should be.
Teach us to forgive the wrong doings which are cast upon us & caused by others who view the world with jealousy & hurtful ways. But mostly, please God, when its time for each of us to leave this shell that contains our true light, once we meet face to face, judge us not for the wrong doings & senseless sins but for the good we have done in our lives. Thank you for this day. Amen
I'm not a religious fanatic, I don't go to church every Sunday, and I don't always behave. Altho' I do believe in God, my views of him are not what most people think about him. But one thing I do know and that is the "Power of Prayer" is apparent. When we feel as tho' our prayers are not answered it may be because we don't truly understand the answer as yet. I tell you this because I've had prayers answered in my life. Coincidence?, I don't believe things happen that way. I always feel better after I pray. Whether its due to praying being a form of self talk or not, prayers are answered. Some higher power or whatever you conceive God to be.. is listening. Enjoy the day.
Copyright(c)2011.Please God...(A Prayer for The Day) Written by Sherrie Vitello. All Rights Reserved.